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Twisting Touch: Combining Deformation and Touch as Input within the Same Interaction Cycle on Handheld Devices
Johan Kildal, Nokia Research, Finland
Andrés Lucero, Nokia Research, Finland
Marion Boberg, Nokia Research, Finland
Time: Thu 11:48 - 12:12 | Session: Unconventional Mobile User Interfaces, Services and Hardware | Location: Große Aula

We present a study that investigates the potential of combining, within the same interaction cycle, deformation and touch input in a handheld device. Using a flexible, input-only device connected to an external display, we compared a multitouch input technique and two hybrid deformation-plus-touch input techniques (bending and twisting the device, plus either front- or back-touch), in an image-docking task. We compared and analyzed the performance (completion time) and user experience (UX) obtained in each case, using multiple assessment metrics. We found that combining device deformation with front-touch produced the best UX. All the interaction techniques showed the same efficiency in task completion. This was a surprising finding, since multitouch (an integral input technique) was expected to be the most efficient technique in an image docking task (an interaction in an integral perceptual space). We discuss these findings in relation to self-reported qualitative data and observed interaction-procedure metrics. We found that the interaction procedures with the hybrid techniques were more sequential but also more paced. These findings suggest that the benefits of deformation input can still be observed when deformation and touch are combined in an input device.

MobileHCI 2013 Proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

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